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Summary Components-Sub Components


S.No.ComponentsSub Components
1Natural Forest Management--
2Wildlife Protection & Management PlanDevelopment of Roads in Protected Areas
3Maintenance of Roads in Protected Areas
4Habitat Restoration and Improvemrnt
5Restoration of Corridors
6Management of Human Wild Life Conflict
7Establishment of Rehabilitation Centers for Problem Animals
8Providing salt lick.
9Conservation & Habitat Improvement
10Developement of Park
11Forest Fire ManagementMaintenance of Fire Lines
12Creation of New Fire lines
13Fire Watchers
14Construction of Fire Watch Towers
15Purchase of vehicles
16Water tankers
17Purchase of GPS/PDA
18Purchase of Software Licenses
19Purchase of Servers
20Software Development
21Procurement of Fire Extinguishig Equipments
22Publicity and Awareness
24Fire Extinguishing Operations
25Safe Guarding of seized Forest ProduceWild Life Habitat Improvement
26Wild Life Protection & Anti Poaching Activities
27Man-Animal Conflict reducation
28Wild Life Research and data Collection
29Improvement and Maintenance of Zoological Parks
30Fringe Area and Corridor Development
31Carrying cost.
32Filed Timber Depots
33Research and DevelopmentStrengthening of Research Infrastructure
34Procurement of machine and equipment
35Documentation and strengthening of Library
36Tree Breeding Activities
37Clonal Forestory Research
38Domestication of indigenous fast growing species
39Production of Boi-Fertilizers
40Bio-Pesticides and Teak tissue Culture Seedlings
41Improvement of Nursery Technology
42Information & Communication TechnologyImprovement of Infrastructure and Communication
43Software Development
44Maintenance of hardware
45Purchase of Computer Hardware
46Installation of LAN
47Infrastructure Development & MaintenanceOffice Building Maintenance
48Residencial Quarters Maintenance
49Maintenance of Rest Houses for monitoring Forestory Works
50Maintenance of Vehicles
51Water and Electicity charges
52Office Support
53Rents, Rates and Taxes
54Residencial Quarters COnstruction
55Construction of Outdoor Toilet
56Rewiring/Shifting of Power Sub-Station for Saw Mill at Chuba
57Construction of Forest Check Post & Quarter
58Human Resource Development & Capacity BuildingPublication of books/magazines/material
59Purchase of LCD Projector
60Training Programs
61Maintenance of Existing Infrastricture
62Specialized Training Programs
63Strengthening of Forest Training Schools
64Study Tours
67Office SupportHiring of Manpower for Office support
68POL charges
69Annual maintenance of PC/Printers/Xerox Copiers
70Electricity and Water Charges
71Telephone/cell phone
72Office Stationary
73Purchase of PC/Laptops
74Purchase of Printers/copiers
75Digital camera
77G.P.S & Camera
78LCD projector and Laptop Computer
79Handycam (soni) V/Camera
81Scanner HP
83Other Activities.
84Data Entry Works.
85Protection Staff.
87X-erox Machine, Fax Machine etc.
88Publicity & Awareness Awareness Programme
89Assisted Natural RegenerationAdvance works
90Raising of Plantation
91Monitoring & EvaluationVehicle
92Forest ProtectionConstruction of Line Quarters
93Construction of barriers and Check Posts
94Purchase of vehicles
95Purchase of Arms & Ammunitions
96Patrolling Kit
97Survey & Boundary Demarcation
98Purchase of Satellite Images
99Digitization of Maps
100Purchase of Digital data from SoI
101Strengthening and Modernising of Streatgic Barriers
102Forest Protection Upgradation
103Construction of Forest Chowkis/Post
104Building Maintenance
105Soil & water conservationSoil & water conservation Measures
106Rejuvenation of Water Sources
107Creation of Water Bodies for Recharging of Aquifers
108Enrichment of Catchment by Oak Plantation
109Enrichment of Catchment by Deodar Plantation
110Eco TourismEcotourism Activities
111OthersOffice Expenditure
112Operating Cost.
113Intelligence gathering.
114Awareness Programme.
115Mini Generator
116Forest Resource Management
117PlantationSoil & Moisture Conservation
120Stone wall Fencing
121Vegetative Fencing with live wire
122Vegetative Fencing
123Soil and Water Conservation
124Advance Works
125Raising of CA
126Wild Life Protection & ConservationWildlife habitat improvement
127Wildlife Protection and anti Poaching Activities
128Man-Animal Conflict Reduction
129Wildlife Research and Data Collection
130Improvement Office Building and Roads
131Land acquisition and consolidation
132Providing salt lick.
133Fire lines
134Fringe area and corridors development
135Development and Management of WildLife Prominence Areras
136Soil and Moisture Conservation
137Safety ZoneCreation
139information on illicit fellingOperating cost.
140Engineering WorksInfrastructure Developement
141Soil & Water Conservation WorksCheck Dams
142Construction of Trenches
143Sterngthening and maintenance of Check Posts / Drop GatesNew Check Post /Quarter
145Supply of wood and other forest produce saving devicesLPG connection with cylinder
146Natural Assisted RegenerationMaintenance of nursery
147Barbed wire fencing with AI post around regeneration area
148Maintenance of existing Nursery
149Aided Natural Regeneration
150Forest Resource ManagementTechnological intervation of existing nursery with modern inputs LA
151Creation of Experimental Board leaved tree plantation with fencing HA
152Creation of Experimental Board leaved tree plantation with fencing LA
153Compulsory Trainning & extension programme of Forest officers and FGs
154Procurement of tent & equipment for trainning/seminar programme
155Publication of Adm reort Journal, Pamplet, Mannual etc.
156Wages of Driver, HSD/POL andmaintenance of Vehicles
157Impect Assesement/Studies on grazing ban
158Technological intervation of existing nursery with modern inputs HA
159Inventory of fodder and wild edible species
160Impact of forest fire on Forest Eco System
161Application of GIS Lab and preparing of stock mapping by engaging IT Assisstant under Remote Sensing.
162Cultural operation
163Eco Development of Urban forestry
164Development of Buddha Eco Park
165Cultural Operation including climber control of old afforestation
166Creation of Eco-Park garden with modern inputs
167Silviculture Research and Extension
168Capacity building and Exposure Programme of frontline staff/JFMC/Local communities
169Weekly Awareness programme on local TV
170Creation of nursery
171Training and Extension of forest officials
172Forest Density Map from FSI
173Purchase of toposheet map from FSI
174Publication of administration report, journal, pamplet, mannual etc.
175Revision of working plans
176Forest ProtectionTraining handling of fire arms
178Chine link fencing
179Courts enquiry authority.
180Protection Vehicles
181Forest Fire
182Protection Parties Camps and Strong Room.
183Maintenance of Offices.
184Infrastructural Development for protection Staff.
185Approach Road.
186Mobility of protection staff with fire arms
187Safe Guarding of seized Forest Produce, Vehicles etc.
188Sterngthening and maintenance of Check Posts / Drop Gates
189Reward to the protection staff
190Secret fund for detection of forest offences under Territorial, Wildlife Division
191Wireless communication
192B/wire fencing with Angle Iron Post
193New Check Post /Quarter
194Construction of RCC water tank at fire prone areas
195Mobilisation of fire service for control of forest fire
196Compound fencing with RCC post.
197Sausage wall/crate wall
198Bally banching
199Communication facilities for sharing of information on illicit fellingOperating cost.
200Forest & Wildlife ComponentProtection of Forests
201Infra-Structure DevelopementConstruction of Rest House
202Improvement of Approach Road
203Construction of office building
204Fencing and Dry Stone Wall
205Recuring Expenditure for running OfficeData Entry Operator (BAC)
206Office Peon
207Night Chowkidar
208Safai Karmachari
209Field Assistant
211Studies/Resarch on climate change
212Eco Development
213International Rodhodendron Fastival
214ACA (Rehabilitation of Surrounding Area)Creation
216Mobility of protection staff with fire armsCooking facility
217Iron Folding.
218Uniform and other accessories for protection staffBinoculars.
219Search lights.
221CA plantationcreation
222Reward to informers(Under Guidelines)Secretly Collection of information.
223Staff aminities.Protection Works.
224Strengthening of Forest Protection Mechanism.Maintenance of Offices and Quarters.
225Development / improvement of infrastructure
226Forest and Wildlife Conservation.Chain Link fencing.
228Capacity Building & Human Resource Development.Courts cases
229Illicit felling.
230Protection Units.
231Reward to the protection staffCash Rewards
233Awareness Programme on Forest Protection.Workshop/Group meeting etc.
234Poster/ Hoardings/ Print etc.